RIFF Movies Archive - digital shorts


United States, 2001, BetaSP - Black and White - 16'

Peter Alton, Bill McCormack, Ben Simonetti, Marius Mazmanian, Joe Fri


Yervand Kochar/Peter Alton


James Williams & Yervand Kochar

Story description:
"Manfish" is a story of return. An old and kind professor creates a man out of a fish. The hybrid of a man and a fish - Manfish, comes to life. Although it becomes famous Manfish wants to return into water.
'Manfish' is a silent black and white stylized saga about a 'fish out of water'. "Manfish" is a silent black&white saga about "a fish out of water".
The film "Manfish" is a part of an international project called 'One world- Different Tales' in which the directors from 6 countries shoot a short film based on a legend particular to their culture.
When the films are shot they're combined together and we come up with a feature film consisting of 6 different stories.

"Manfish" e' una storia di ritorno. Un anziano e simpatico professore crea un uomo da un pesce. L'ibrido di un uomo ed un pesce - uomopesce - viene alla vita.
Sebbene egli diventi famoso, l'uomopesce non desidera altro che tornare nell'acqua.
"Manfish" e' una saga stilizzata in bianco e nero di un "pesce fuor d'acqua".



